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for a first course in statistical methods in Universities and Polytechnics. fragmentation in the Nigerian presidential elections of the fourth The book presents an introduction to statistical methods for students majoring in social science disciplines. No previous knowledge of statistics is assumed, and mathematical background is assumed to be minimal (lowest-level high-school algebra).
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With over 20 years of experience teaching statistics, Soleman H. Abu-Bader provides an accessible, step-by-step description of the process needed to organize data, choose a test or statistical technique, analyze, interpret, and
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January 2018; Download full-text PDF Read full-text. It can be used as a textbook for a first course in statistical methods in Universities and 1. Detail Book Title : Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences 4th Edition 4th Edition Format : PDF,kindle,epub Language : English ASIN : 0130272957 Paperback : 263 pages Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.6 x 9.5 inches 2.
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